KUNSTRAUM Potsdamer Straße | Berlin | Gallery Weekend | 2024

We organize our thoughts around places and categories, giving everything a name to construct the clarity we so deeply seek. Society emerged from the realization that collaboration could achieve far more than isolated effort. The concept of shared expertise was born: a system of interconnected tasks and sections, pieced together to shape our collective reality.

‘TRADING POSTmodernity’ asks for a beginning:  how did we even end up here? A ball was dropped, and broke, wasn’t it supposed to bounce. The ceiling is pressing but therefore brings movement. What once seemed like a perfect, rounded idea has already been archived: paste over the old, preserve, honor and embrace the core..


Jonathan Joosten 
PUBLIC REEL (strained) | Berlin  | 2024

Jonathan joosten 
PROTO-POD 01 (bouncer) | Berlin  | 2024